Petra Hilgers

About Petra Consulting Director

Petra is a Creative Facilitator with expertise in conflict resolution/mediation (community, school, family), anti-racism work, youth participation and group facilitation. Petra has worked extensively in charities in different countries - including Bosnia, South Africa, Northern Uganda, Darfur, Germany and the UK – with different communities, including at-risk young people, (young) women with lived experience of war and sexual violence, asylum seekers and young people in the mental health system. Petra is passionate about changing the experiences of hardly-reached young people and communities with an appreciative approach and empowerment focus.

How can I help you?

Contact me to discuss your needs and how I can support.

“Looking for training on safeguarding/inclusion/diversity for your team? I’ve worked with Laurelle Brown for many years and I cannot recommend her enough. I have attended her training on CCE, CSE and children in care/care leavers. She is an amazing trainer and facilitator”

Lucy Leon
Policy & Practice Adviser, (Refugee & Migrant Children)The Children’s Society